It is very hard for businesses to stay relevant in the media amongst millions of competitors fighting for number one. Even more so, considering the ever-changing algorithms of search engines. Online marketing consultations are becoming increasingly popular as businesses seek to rise in these new realms.
More specifically, SEO consultations have become necessary. To help clients get the most out of multi-channel marketing, SEO consultants help improve search engine result rankings and traffic. David is highly successful and well trained in helping clients achieve beyond their search engine expectations, despite the harsh daily competition.
What is an SEO Consultant
So what is an SEO consultant, past the acronym for Search Engine Optimisation?
According to, the job entails analysing and improving websites, guiding businesses towards consistently frequent webpage visits. Certain keywords are very popular, so SEO consultants help businesses fight their way to the top of the search page.
Clients having trouble raking in new customers can expect to receive help in reaching people on a variety of platforms. All sorts of media such as Facebook and Youtube can be used to direct customers to your business.
SEO consultants also help you target existing customers who want to find previous records they have made, as growth marketer Martin Scheijbeler explains. This can accelerated through web design; letting customers have accounts having easy to follow links to customer service.

What Does an SEO Consultant or Expert Do?
Keyword Research
In order to achieve these high rankings and customer visits, SEO consultants have specific tasks to complete. One of the most recognisable is keyword research. SEO teams research keywords with potentially low competition but high profitability. This means that clients’ website links won’t be lost in a sea of others with exactly the same keywords.
On-page SEO
SEO consultants are proficient with keyword research and can detail which words need to appear in your content. Sometimes, your website might be hard to access – perhaps it doesn’t work on all devices or is too slow.
SEO consultants also diagnose and suggest fixes for laggy servers or non-compatible softwares, so all customers can navigate it easily. Today, customers enjoy making purchases anywhere and everywhere, so not being phone compatible would be disastrous. Giving customers the efficiency they crave is one of the most influential moves towards bigger purchases, so accessibility is important.
Off-page SEO/Link Building
Another important factor in getting noticed is through being backlinked on other sites. As Useproof’s blog points out, securing space for links on larger websites can significantly improve your website’s growth.
Their case study of Nerdwallet’s survey shows how backlinking could provide multiple times the page visits that keyword searches can. This goes to show how creating content that can be referenced can also be of benefit to a company. SEO takes into account all these different aspects that affect the visibility of your website and company.
Website Analytics
Teams will often run a diagnosis on the website to see which keywords client make profit off and which are redundant. With diagnosis may come the spotting of errors in existing content that need to be fixed.
In addition to these analyses, SEO teams may suggest ways to up the level of content on a website. Keyword heavy, engaging content will have more opportunities to be found via search engines and external links, as Scheijbeler also advises.

What You Need to Expect
As a result of SEO consultations, businesses can expect to see higher customer conversion rates. In other words, being able to convert browsing customers into loyal, paying ones. This would be a good sign that you are handling the competition well.
If your website does not persuade visitors to commit to an action, no sales would be made. SEO consultants ultimately help businesses get their visitors over that line to becoming customers, putting search engine relevance to use. Having buying customers makes site revisits necessary and maintains relevance over time, feeding into a long cycle.
Part of an SEO consultant’s job is to share these analytics consistently with their clientele, so the direction is clear. This may be in the form of a weekly report, email updates or a live representation of results. This openness marks a trustable and professional SEO team, as highlighted by
An initial report may also have been given, as part of the original diagnosis. This report includes guidelines for the steps to be taken in order to reach the goals set. These will be easy to follow, with appropriate explanations for new concepts. Ultimately, the success of the consultations can be determined by the difference in revenue before and afterwards.
In a nutshell
SEO consultation would be of great use especially to businesses that rely heavily on online presence. At this point in time, it seems that most would, or rather, should be. A business seeking to have high accessibility and engagement on several devices an mediums can expect valuable help from SEO experts. David, as a marketing and SEO expert, delivers quality advice to now thriving businesses around the world.
532m is the leading Growth Marketing Specialists in Sydney and one of the Pioneers of SEO Services in Australia. Contact us for a FREE SEO Site Audit or Fill out the form below.